/* * Sun Public License Notice * * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at * http://www.sun.com/ * * The Original Code is Forte for Java, Community Edition. The Initial * Developer of the Original Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions * Copyright 1997-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Hashtable; import antlr.CharScanner; import antlr.InputBuffer; import antlr.ByteBuffer; import antlr.CharBuffer; import antlr.Token; import antlr.CommonToken; import antlr.ScannerException; import antlr.TokenStream; import antlr.ANTLRHashString; import antlr.LexerSharedInputState; import antlr.collections.impl.BitSet; public class HTMLLexer extends antlr.CharScanner implements HTMLTokenTypes, TokenStream { public HTMLLexer(InputStream in) { this(new ByteBuffer(in)); } public HTMLLexer(Reader in) { this(new CharBuffer(in)); } public HTMLLexer(InputBuffer ib) { this(new LexerSharedInputState(ib)); } public HTMLLexer(LexerSharedInputState state) { super(state); literals = new Hashtable(); caseSensitiveLiterals = true; setCaseSensitive(false); } public Token nextToken() throws IOException { Token _rettoken=null; tryAgain: for (;;) { Token _token = null; int _ttype = Token.INVALID_TYPE; setCommitToPath(false); int _m; _m = mark(); resetText(); try { // for error handling if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='h') && (LA(4)=='t')) { mCHTML(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='h') && (LA(4)=='e')) { mCHEAD(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='b') && (LA(4)=='o')) { mCBODY(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='t') && (LA(4)=='i')) { mCTITLE(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='s') && (LA(4)=='c')) { mCSCRIPT(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='m') && (LA(3)=='e') && (LA(4)=='t')) { mMETA(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='l') && (LA(3)=='i') && (LA(4)=='n')) { mLINK(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='h') && (LA(4)=='1')) { mCH1(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='h') && (LA(4)=='2')) { mCH2(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='h') && (LA(4)=='3')) { mCH3(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='h') && (LA(4)=='4')) { mCH4(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='h') && (LA(4)=='5')) { mCH5(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='h') && (LA(4)=='6')) { mCH6(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='a') && (LA(4)=='d')) { mCADDRESS(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='p') && (LA(4)=='>')) { mCPARA(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='u') && (LA(4)=='l')) { mCULIST(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='l') && (LA(3)=='i') && (_tokenSet_0.member(LA(4)))) { mOLITEM(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='d') && (LA(4)=='l')) { mCDLIST(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='d') && (LA(4)=='t')) { mCDTERM(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='d') && (LA(4)=='d')) { mCDDEF(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='d') && (LA(3)=='i') && (LA(4)=='r')) { mODIR(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='d') && (LA(4)=='i')) { mCDIR_OR_CDIV(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='d') && (LA(3)=='i') && (LA(4)=='v')) { mODIV(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='m') && (LA(3)=='e') && (LA(4)=='n')) { mOMENU(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='m') && (LA(4)=='e')) { mCMENU(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='p'||LA(3)=='x') && (LA(4)=='m'||LA(4)=='r')) { mCPRE(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='c') && (LA(4)=='e')) { mCCENTER(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='b') && (LA(4)=='l')) { mCBQUOTE(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='t') && (LA(4)=='a')) { mCTABLE(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='c') && (LA(4)=='a')) { mCCAP(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='t') && (LA(4)=='r')) { mC_TR(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='t') && (LA(4)=='d'||LA(4)=='h')) { mC_TH_OR_TD(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='t') && (LA(4)=='t')) { mCTTYPE(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='b') && (LA(4)=='>')) { mCBOLD(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='u') && (LA(4)=='>')) { mCUNDER(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='s') && (LA(3)=='t') && (LA(4)=='r')) { mOSTRIKE_OR_OSTRONG(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='s') && (LA(4)=='t')) { mCST_LEFT_FACTORED(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='s') && (LA(3)=='t') && (LA(4)=='y')) { mOSTYLE(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='b') && (LA(4)=='i')) { mCBIG(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='s') && (LA(4)=='m')) { mCSMALL(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='s') && (LA(3)=='u') && (LA(4)=='b')) { mOSUB(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='s') && (LA(3)=='u') && (LA(4)=='p')) { mOSUP(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='s') && (LA(4)=='u')) { mCSUB_OR_CSUP(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='d') && (LA(4)=='f')) { mCDFN(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='c') && (LA(4)=='o')) { mCCODE(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='s') && (LA(4)=='a')) { mCSAMP(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='c') && (LA(4)=='i')) { mCCITE(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='s') && (LA(4)=='e')) { mCSELECT(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='t') && (LA(4)=='e')) { mCTAREA(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='a') && (LA(4)=='>')) { mCANCHOR(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='a') && (LA(4)=='p')) { mAPPLET(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='f') && (LA(3)=='o') && (LA(4)=='r')) { mOFORM(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='f') && (LA(3)=='o') && (LA(4)=='n')) { mOFONT(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='m') && (LA(4)=='a')) { mCMAP(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='!') && (LA(3)=='d')) { mDOCTYPE(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='h') && (LA(3)=='t')) { mOHTML(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='h') && (LA(3)=='e')) { mOHEAD(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='b') && (LA(3)=='o')) { mOBODY(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='t') && (LA(3)=='i')) { mOTITLE(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='s') && (LA(3)=='c')) { mOSCRIPT(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='i') && (LA(3)=='s')) { mISINDEX(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='h') && (LA(3)=='1')) { mOH1(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='h') && (LA(3)=='2')) { mOH2(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='h') && (LA(3)=='3')) { mOH3(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='h') && (LA(3)=='4')) { mOH4(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='h') && (LA(3)=='5')) { mOH5(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='h') && (LA(3)=='6')) { mOH6(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='a') && (LA(3)=='d')) { mOADDRESS(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='p') && (_tokenSet_0.member(LA(3)))) { mOPARA(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='u') && (LA(3)=='l')) { mOULIST(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='o') && (LA(3)=='l')) { mOOLIST(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='o')) { mCOLIST(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='l')) { mCLITEM(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='d') && (LA(3)=='l')) { mODLIST(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='d') && (LA(3)=='t')) { mODTERM(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='d') && (LA(3)=='d')) { mODDEF(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='p'||LA(2)=='x') && (LA(3)=='m'||LA(3)=='r')) { mOPRE(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='c') && (LA(3)=='e')) { mOCENTER(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='b') && (LA(3)=='l')) { mOBQUOTE(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='h') && (LA(3)=='r')) { mHR(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='t') && (LA(3)=='a')) { mOTABLE(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='c') && (LA(3)=='a')) { mOCAP(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='t') && (LA(3)=='r')) { mO_TR(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='t') && (LA(3)=='d'||LA(3)=='h')) { mO_TH_OR_TD(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='t') && (LA(3)=='t')) { mOTTYPE(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='i') && (LA(3)=='>')) { mOITALIC(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='i')) { mCITALIC(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='b') && (LA(3)=='>')) { mOBOLD(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='u') && (LA(3)=='>')) { mOUNDER(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='b') && (LA(3)=='i')) { mOBIG(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='s') && (LA(3)=='m')) { mOSMALL(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='e')) { mCEM(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='d') && (LA(3)=='f')) { mODFN(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='c') && (LA(3)=='o')) { mOCODE(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='s') && (LA(3)=='a')) { mOSAMP(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='k')) { mCKBD(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='v')) { mCVAR(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='c') && (LA(3)=='i')) { mOCITE(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='i') && (LA(3)=='n')) { mINPUT(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='s') && (LA(3)=='e')) { mOSELECT(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='t') && (LA(3)=='e')) { mOTAREA(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='o') && (LA(3)=='p')) { mSELOPT(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='a') && (_tokenSet_1.member(LA(3)))) { mOANCHOR(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='i') && (LA(3)=='m')) { mIMG(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='a') && (LA(3)=='p')) { mOAPPLET(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='p') && (LA(3)=='a')) { mAPARM(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='f')) { mCFORM_OR_CFONT(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='b') && (LA(3)=='a')) { mBFONT_OR_BASE(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='b') && (LA(3)=='r')) { mBR(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='m') && (LA(3)=='a')) { mOMAP(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='a') && (LA(3)=='r')) { mAREA(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='!') && (LA(3)=='-')) { mCOMMENT(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='e')) { mOEM(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='k')) { mOKBD(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='v')) { mOVAR(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else if ((_tokenSet_2.member(LA(1)))) { mPCDATA(true); _rettoken=_returnToken; } else { if (LA(1)==EOF_CHAR) {_returnToken = makeToken(Token.EOF_TYPE);} else { commit(); try {mUNDEFINED_TOKEN(false);} catch(ScannerException e) { // catastrophic failure reportError(e); consume(); } continue tryAgain; } } commit(); if ( _returnToken==null ) continue tryAgain; // found SKIP token _ttype = _returnToken.getType(); _ttype = testLiteralsTable(_ttype); _returnToken.setType(_ttype); return _returnToken; } catch (ScannerException e) { if ( !getCommitToPath() ) { rewind(_m); resetText(); try {mUNDEFINED_TOKEN(false);} catch(ScannerException ee) { // horrendous failure: error in filter rule reportError(ee); consume(); } continue tryAgain; } reportError(e); consume(); } } } public final void mDOCTYPE(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = DOCTYPE; int _saveIndex; match("<!doctype"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { _saveIndex=text.length(); mWS(false); text.setLength(_saveIndex); break; } case 'h': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match("html"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { _saveIndex=text.length(); mWS(false); text.setLength(_saveIndex); break; } case 'p': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match("public"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { _saveIndex=text.length(); mWS(false); text.setLength(_saveIndex); break; } case '"': case '\'': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } mSTRING(false); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { _saveIndex=text.length(); mWS(false); text.setLength(_saveIndex); break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } protected final void mWS(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = WS; int _saveIndex; { int _cnt421=0; _loop421: do { switch ( LA(1)) { case ' ': { match(' '); break; } case '\t': { match('\t'); break; } case '\n': { match('\n'); newline(); break; } default: if ((LA(1)=='\r') && (LA(2)=='\n') && (_tokenSet_3.member(LA(3)))) { match("\r\n"); newline(); } else if ((LA(1)=='\r') && (_tokenSet_3.member(LA(2)))) { match('\r'); newline(); } else { if ( _cnt421>=1 ) { break _loop421; } else {throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine());} } } _cnt421++; } while (true); } if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } protected final void mSTRING(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = STRING; int _saveIndex; switch ( LA(1)) { case '"': { match('"'); { _loop441: do { if ((_tokenSet_4.member(LA(1)))) { matchNot('"'); } else { break _loop441; } } while (true); } match('"'); break; } case '\'': { match('\''); { _loop443: do { if ((_tokenSet_5.member(LA(1)))) { matchNot('\''); } else { break _loop443; } } while (true); } match('\''); break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOHTML(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OHTML; int _saveIndex; match("<html>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCHTML(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CHTML; int _saveIndex; match("</html>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOHEAD(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OHEAD; int _saveIndex; match("<head>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCHEAD(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CHEAD; int _saveIndex; match("</head>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOBODY(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OBODY; int _saveIndex; match("<body"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); { _loop234: do { if ((_tokenSet_6.member(LA(1)))) { mATTR(false); } else { break _loop234; } } while (true); } break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } protected final void mATTR(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = ATTR; int _saveIndex; mWORD(false); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { _saveIndex=text.length(); mWS(false); text.setLength(_saveIndex); break; } case '.': case '=': case '>': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } { switch ( LA(1)) { case '=': { match('='); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { _saveIndex=text.length(); mWS(false); text.setLength(_saveIndex); break; } case '"': case '#': case '\'': case '-': case '.': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } { switch ( LA(1)) { case '.': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': { mWORD(false); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { _saveIndex=text.length(); mWS(false); text.setLength(_saveIndex); break; } case '%': case '.': case '>': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } { switch ( LA(1)) { case '%': { match('%'); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { _saveIndex=text.length(); mWS(false); text.setLength(_saveIndex); break; } case '.': case '>': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } break; } case '.': case '>': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } break; } case '-': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { { switch ( LA(1)) { case '-': { match('-'); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { _saveIndex=text.length(); mWS(false); text.setLength(_saveIndex); break; } case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } break; } case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } mINT(false); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { _saveIndex=text.length(); mWS(false); text.setLength(_saveIndex); break; } case '.': case '>': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } break; } case '"': case '\'': { mSTRING(false); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { _saveIndex=text.length(); mWS(false); text.setLength(_saveIndex); break; } case '.': case '>': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } break; } case '#': { mHEXNUM(false); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { _saveIndex=text.length(); mWS(false); text.setLength(_saveIndex); break; } case '.': case '>': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } break; } case '.': case '>': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCBODY(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CBODY; int _saveIndex; match("</body>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOTITLE(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OTITLE; int _saveIndex; match("<title>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCTITLE(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CTITLE; int _saveIndex; match("</title>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOSCRIPT(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OSCRIPT; int _saveIndex; match("<script>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCSCRIPT(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CSCRIPT; int _saveIndex; match("</script>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mISINDEX(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = ISINDEX; int _saveIndex; match("<isindex"); mWS(false); mATTR(false); match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mMETA(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = META; int _saveIndex; match("<meta"); mWS(false); { int _cnt243=0; _loop243: do { if ((_tokenSet_6.member(LA(1)))) { mATTR(false); } else { if ( _cnt243>=1 ) { break _loop243; } else {throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine());} } _cnt243++; } while (true); } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mLINK(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = LINK; int _saveIndex; match("<link"); mWS(false); { int _cnt246=0; _loop246: do { if ((_tokenSet_6.member(LA(1)))) { mATTR(false); } else { if ( _cnt246>=1 ) { break _loop246; } else {throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine());} } _cnt246++; } while (true); } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOH1(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OH1; int _saveIndex; match("<h1"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); mATTR(false); break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCH1(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CH1; int _saveIndex; match("</h1>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOH2(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OH2; int _saveIndex; match("<h2"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); mATTR(false); break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCH2(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CH2; int _saveIndex; match("</h2>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOH3(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OH3; int _saveIndex; match("<h3"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); mATTR(false); break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCH3(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CH3; int _saveIndex; match("</h3>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOH4(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OH4; int _saveIndex; match("<h4"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); mATTR(false); break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCH4(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CH4; int _saveIndex; match("</h4>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOH5(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OH5; int _saveIndex; match("<h5"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); mATTR(false); break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCH5(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CH5; int _saveIndex; match("</h5>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOH6(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OH6; int _saveIndex; match("<h6"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); mATTR(false); break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCH6(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CH6; int _saveIndex; match("</h6>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOADDRESS(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OADDRESS; int _saveIndex; match("<address>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCADDRESS(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CADDRESS; int _saveIndex; match("</address>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOPARA(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OPARA; int _saveIndex; match("<p"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); mATTR(false); break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCPARA(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CPARA; int _saveIndex; match("</p>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOULIST(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OULIST; int _saveIndex; match("<ul"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); mATTR(false); break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCULIST(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CULIST; int _saveIndex; match("</ul>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOOLIST(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OOLIST; int _saveIndex; match("<ol"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); mATTR(false); break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCOLIST(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = COLIST; int _saveIndex; match("</ol>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOLITEM(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OLITEM; int _saveIndex; match("<li"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); mATTR(false); break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCLITEM(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CLITEM; int _saveIndex; match("</li>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mODLIST(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = ODLIST; int _saveIndex; match("<dl"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); mATTR(false); break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCDLIST(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CDLIST; int _saveIndex; match("</dl>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mODTERM(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = ODTERM; int _saveIndex; match("<dt>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCDTERM(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CDTERM; int _saveIndex; match("</dt>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mODDEF(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = ODDEF; int _saveIndex; match("<dd>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCDDEF(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CDDEF; int _saveIndex; match("</dd>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mODIR(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = ODIR; int _saveIndex; match("<dir>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCDIR_OR_CDIV(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CDIR_OR_CDIV; int _saveIndex; match("</di"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case 'r': { match('r'); _ttype = CDIR; break; } case 'v': { match('v'); _ttype = CDIV; break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mODIV(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = ODIV; int _saveIndex; match("<div"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); mATTR(false); break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOMENU(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OMENU; int _saveIndex; match("<menu>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCMENU(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CMENU; int _saveIndex; match("</menu>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOPRE(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OPRE; int _saveIndex; { if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='p')) { match("<pre>"); } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='x')) { match("<xmp>"); } else { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } { if ((LA(1)=='\n')) { match('\n'); } else { } } if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCPRE(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CPRE; int _saveIndex; if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='p')) { match("</pre>"); } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='x')) { match("</xmp>"); } else { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOCENTER(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OCENTER; int _saveIndex; match("<center>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCCENTER(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CCENTER; int _saveIndex; match("</center>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOBQUOTE(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OBQUOTE; int _saveIndex; match("<blockquote>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCBQUOTE(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CBQUOTE; int _saveIndex; match("</blockquote>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mHR(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = HR; int _saveIndex; match("<hr"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); { _loop304: do { if ((_tokenSet_6.member(LA(1)))) { mATTR(false); } else { break _loop304; } } while (true); } break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOTABLE(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OTABLE; int _saveIndex; match("<table"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); { _loop308: do { if ((_tokenSet_6.member(LA(1)))) { mATTR(false); } else { break _loop308; } } while (true); } break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCTABLE(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CTABLE; int _saveIndex; match("</table>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOCAP(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OCAP; int _saveIndex; match("<caption"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); { _loop313: do { if ((_tokenSet_6.member(LA(1)))) { mATTR(false); } else { break _loop313; } } while (true); } break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCCAP(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CCAP; int _saveIndex; match("</caption>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mO_TR(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = O_TR; int _saveIndex; match("<tr"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); { _loop318: do { if ((_tokenSet_6.member(LA(1)))) { mATTR(false); } else { break _loop318; } } while (true); } break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mC_TR(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = C_TR; int _saveIndex; match("</tr>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mO_TH_OR_TD(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = O_TH_OR_TD; int _saveIndex; { if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='t') && (LA(3)=='h')) { match("<th"); } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='t') && (LA(3)=='d')) { match("<td"); } else { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); { _loop324: do { if ((_tokenSet_6.member(LA(1)))) { mATTR(false); } else { break _loop324; } } while (true); } break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mC_TH_OR_TD(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = C_TH_OR_TD; int _saveIndex; if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='t') && (LA(4)=='h')) { match("</th>"); } else if ((LA(1)=='<') && (LA(2)=='/') && (LA(3)=='t') && (LA(4)=='d')) { match("</td>"); } else { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOTTYPE(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OTTYPE; int _saveIndex; match("<tt>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCTTYPE(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CTTYPE; int _saveIndex; match("</tt>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOITALIC(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OITALIC; int _saveIndex; match("<i>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCITALIC(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CITALIC; int _saveIndex; match("</i>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOBOLD(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OBOLD; int _saveIndex; match("<b>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCBOLD(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CBOLD; int _saveIndex; match("</b>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOUNDER(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OUNDER; int _saveIndex; match("<u>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCUNDER(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CUNDER; int _saveIndex; match("</u>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } /** Left-factor <strike> and <strong> to reduce lookahead */ public final void mOSTRIKE_OR_OSTRONG(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OSTRIKE_OR_OSTRONG; int _saveIndex; match("<str"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case 'i': { match("ike"); _ttype = OSTRIKE; break; } case 'o': { match("ong"); _ttype = OSTRONG; break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCST_LEFT_FACTORED(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CST_LEFT_FACTORED; int _saveIndex; match("</st"); { if ((LA(1)=='r') && (LA(2)=='i')) { match("rike"); _ttype = CSTRIKE; } else if ((LA(1)=='r') && (LA(2)=='o')) { match("rong"); _ttype = CSTRONG; } else if ((LA(1)=='y')) { match("yle"); _ttype = CSTYLE; } else { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOSTYLE(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OSTYLE; int _saveIndex; match("<style>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOBIG(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OBIG; int _saveIndex; match("<big>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCBIG(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CBIG; int _saveIndex; match("</big>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOSMALL(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OSMALL; int _saveIndex; match("<small>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCSMALL(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CSMALL; int _saveIndex; match("</small>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOSUB(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OSUB; int _saveIndex; match("<sub>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOSUP(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OSUP; int _saveIndex; match("<sup>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCSUB_OR_CSUP(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CSUB_OR_CSUP; int _saveIndex; match("</su"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case 'b': { match('b'); _ttype = CSUB; break; } case 'p': { match('p'); _ttype = CSUP; break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOEM(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OEM; int _saveIndex; match("<em>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCEM(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CEM; int _saveIndex; match("</em>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mODFN(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = ODFN; int _saveIndex; match("<dfn>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCDFN(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CDFN; int _saveIndex; match("</dfn>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOCODE(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OCODE; int _saveIndex; match("<code>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCCODE(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CCODE; int _saveIndex; match("</code>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOSAMP(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OSAMP; int _saveIndex; match("<samp>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCSAMP(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CSAMP; int _saveIndex; match("</samp>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOKBD(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OKBD; int _saveIndex; match("<kbd>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCKBD(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CKBD; int _saveIndex; match("</kbd>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOVAR(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OVAR; int _saveIndex; match("<var>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCVAR(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CVAR; int _saveIndex; match("</var>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOCITE(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OCITE; int _saveIndex; match("<cite>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCCITE(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CCITE; int _saveIndex; match("</cite>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mINPUT(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = INPUT; int _saveIndex; match("<input"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); { _loop364: do { if ((_tokenSet_6.member(LA(1)))) { mATTR(false); } else { break _loop364; } } while (true); } break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOSELECT(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OSELECT; int _saveIndex; match("<select"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); { _loop368: do { if ((_tokenSet_6.member(LA(1)))) { mATTR(false); } else { break _loop368; } } while (true); } break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCSELECT(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CSELECT; int _saveIndex; match("</select>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOTAREA(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OTAREA; int _saveIndex; match("<textarea"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); { _loop373: do { if ((_tokenSet_6.member(LA(1)))) { mATTR(false); } else { break _loop373; } } while (true); } break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCTAREA(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CTAREA; int _saveIndex; match("</textarea>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mSELOPT(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = SELOPT; int _saveIndex; match("<option"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); { _loop378: do { if ((_tokenSet_6.member(LA(1)))) { mATTR(false); } else { break _loop378; } } while (true); } break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOANCHOR(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OANCHOR; int _saveIndex; match("<a"); mWS(false); { int _cnt381=0; _loop381: do { if ((_tokenSet_6.member(LA(1)))) { mATTR(false); } else { if ( _cnt381>=1 ) { break _loop381; } else {throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine());} } _cnt381++; } while (true); } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCANCHOR(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CANCHOR; int _saveIndex; match("</a>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mIMG(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = IMG; int _saveIndex; match("<img"); mWS(false); { int _cnt385=0; _loop385: do { if ((_tokenSet_6.member(LA(1)))) { mATTR(false); } else { if ( _cnt385>=1 ) { break _loop385; } else {throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine());} } _cnt385++; } while (true); } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOAPPLET(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OAPPLET; int _saveIndex; match("<applet"); mWS(false); { int _cnt388=0; _loop388: do { if ((_tokenSet_6.member(LA(1)))) { mATTR(false); } else { if ( _cnt388>=1 ) { break _loop388; } else {throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine());} } _cnt388++; } while (true); } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mAPPLET(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = APPLET; int _saveIndex; match("</applet>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mAPARM(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = APARM; int _saveIndex; match("<param"); mWS(false); { int _cnt392=0; _loop392: do { if ((_tokenSet_6.member(LA(1)))) { mATTR(false); } else { if ( _cnt392>=1 ) { break _loop392; } else {throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine());} } _cnt392++; } while (true); } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOFORM(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OFORM; int _saveIndex; match("<form"); mWS(false); { int _cnt395=0; _loop395: do { if ((_tokenSet_6.member(LA(1)))) { mATTR(false); } else { if ( _cnt395>=1 ) { break _loop395; } else {throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine());} } _cnt395++; } while (true); } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOFONT(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OFONT; int _saveIndex; match("<font"); mWS(false); { int _cnt398=0; _loop398: do { if ((_tokenSet_6.member(LA(1)))) { mATTR(false); } else { if ( _cnt398>=1 ) { break _loop398; } else {throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine());} } _cnt398++; } while (true); } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCFORM_OR_CFONT(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CFORM_OR_CFONT; int _saveIndex; match("</fo"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case 'r': { match("rm"); _ttype = CFORM; break; } case 'n': { match("nt"); _ttype = CFONT; break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mBFONT_OR_BASE(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = BFONT_OR_BASE; int _saveIndex; match("<base"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case 'f': { match("font"); mWS(false); mATTR(false); _ttype = BFONT; break; } case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); mATTR(false); _ttype = BASE; break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mBR(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = BR; int _saveIndex; match("<br"); { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case ' ': { mWS(false); mATTR(false); break; } case '>': { break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mOMAP(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = OMAP; int _saveIndex; match("<map"); mWS(false); mATTR(false); match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCMAP(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = CMAP; int _saveIndex; match("</map>"); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mAREA(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = AREA; int _saveIndex; match("<area"); mWS(false); { int _cnt409=0; _loop409: do { if ((_tokenSet_6.member(LA(1)))) { mATTR(false); } else { if ( _cnt409>=1 ) { break _loop409; } else {throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine());} } _cnt409++; } while (true); } match('>'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mPCDATA(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = PCDATA; int _saveIndex; { int _cnt413=0; _loop413: do { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\n': { match('\n'); newline(); break; } case '\3': case '\4': case '\5': case '\6': case '\7': case '\10': case '\t': case '\13': case '\14': case '\16': case '\17': case '\20': case '\21': case '\22': case '\23': case '\24': case '\25': case '\26': case '\27': case '\30': case '\31': case '\32': case '\33': case '\34': case '\35': case '\36': case '\37': case ' ': case '!': case '#': case '$': case '%': case '&': case '\'': case '(': case ')': case '*': case '+': case ',': case '-': case '.': case '/': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case ':': case ';': case '=': case '?': case '@': case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T': case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z': case '[': case '\\': case ']': case '^': case '_': case '`': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': case '{': case '|': case '}': case '~': case '\177': case '\200': case '\201': case '\202': case '\203': case '\204': case '\205': case '\206': case '\207': case '\210': case '\211': case '\212': case '\213': case '\214': case '\215': case '\216': case '\217': case '\220': case '\221': case '\222': case '\223': case '\224': case '\225': case '\226': case '\227': case '\230': case '\231': case '\232': case '\233': case '\234': case '\235': case '\236': case '\237': case '\240': case '\241': case '\242': case '\243': case '\244': case '\245': case '\246': case '\247': case '\250': case '\251': case '\252': case '\253': case '\254': case '\255': case '\256': case '\257': case '\260': case '\261': case '\262': case '\263': case '\264': case '\265': case '\266': case '\267': case '\270': case '\271': case '\272': case '\273': case '\274': case '\275': case '\276': case '\277': case '\300': case '\301': case '\302': case '\303': case '\304': case '\305': case '\306': case '\307': case '\310': case '\311': case '\312': case '\313': case '\314': case '\315': case '\316': case '\317': case '\320': case '\321': case '\322': case '\323': case '\324': case '\325': case '\326': case '\327': case '\330': case '\331': case '\332': case '\333': case '\334': case '\335': case '\336': case '\337': case '\340': case '\341': case '\342': case '\343': case '\344': case '\345': case '\346': case '\347': case '\350': case '\351': case '\352': case '\353': case '\354': case '\355': case '\356': case '\357': case '\360': case '\361': case '\362': case '\363': case '\364': case '\365': case '\366': case '\367': case '\370': case '\371': case '\372': case '\373': case '\374': case '\375': case '\376': case '\377': { { match(_tokenSet_7); } break; } default: if ((LA(1)=='\r') && (LA(2)=='\n')) { match('\r'); match('\n'); newline(); } else if ((LA(1)=='\r')) { match('\r'); newline(); } else { if ( _cnt413>=1 ) { break _loop413; } else {throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine());} } } _cnt413++; } while (true); } if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } protected final void mCOMMENT_DATA(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = COMMENT_DATA; int _saveIndex; { _loop417: do { switch ( LA(1)) { case '\n': { match('\n'); newline(); break; } case '\3': case '\4': case '\5': case '\6': case '\7': case '\10': case '\t': case '\13': case '\14': case '\16': case '\17': case '\20': case '\21': case '\22': case '\23': case '\24': case '\25': case '\26': case '\27': case '\30': case '\31': case '\32': case '\33': case '\34': case '\35': case '\36': case '\37': case ' ': case '!': case '"': case '#': case '$': case '%': case '&': case '\'': case '(': case ')': case '*': case '+': case ',': case '.': case '/': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case ':': case ';': case '<': case '=': case '>': case '?': case '@': case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T': case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z': case '[': case '\\': case ']': case '^': case '_': case '`': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': case '{': case '|': case '}': case '~': case '\177': case '\200': case '\201': case '\202': case '\203': case '\204': case '\205': case '\206': case '\207': case '\210': case '\211': case '\212': case '\213': case '\214': case '\215': case '\216': case '\217': case '\220': case '\221': case '\222': case '\223': case '\224': case '\225': case '\226': case '\227': case '\230': case '\231': case '\232': case '\233': case '\234': case '\235': case '\236': case '\237': case '\240': case '\241': case '\242': case '\243': case '\244': case '\245': case '\246': case '\247': case '\250': case '\251': case '\252': case '\253': case '\254': case '\255': case '\256': case '\257': case '\260': case '\261': case '\262': case '\263': case '\264': case '\265': case '\266': case '\267': case '\270': case '\271': case '\272': case '\273': case '\274': case '\275': case '\276': case '\277': case '\300': case '\301': case '\302': case '\303': case '\304': case '\305': case '\306': case '\307': case '\310': case '\311': case '\312': case '\313': case '\314': case '\315': case '\316': case '\317': case '\320': case '\321': case '\322': case '\323': case '\324': case '\325': case '\326': case '\327': case '\330': case '\331': case '\332': case '\333': case '\334': case '\335': case '\336': case '\337': case '\340': case '\341': case '\342': case '\343': case '\344': case '\345': case '\346': case '\347': case '\350': case '\351': case '\352': case '\353': case '\354': case '\355': case '\356': case '\357': case '\360': case '\361': case '\362': case '\363': case '\364': case '\365': case '\366': case '\367': case '\370': case '\371': case '\372': case '\373': case '\374': case '\375': case '\376': case '\377': { { match(_tokenSet_8); } break; } default: if (((LA(1)=='-') && ((LA(2) >= '\3' && LA(2) <= '\377')) && ((LA(3) >= '\3' && LA(3) <= '\377')) && ((LA(4) >= '\3' && LA(4) <= '\377')))&&(LA(2)!='-' && LA(3)!='>')) { match('-'); } else if ((LA(1)=='\r') && (LA(2)=='\n') && ((LA(3) >= '\3' && LA(3) <= '\377')) && ((LA(4) >= '\3' && LA(4) <= '\377'))) { match('\r'); match('\n'); newline(); } else if ((LA(1)=='\r') && ((LA(2) >= '\3' && LA(2) <= '\377')) && ((LA(3) >= '\3' && LA(3) <= '\377')) && ((LA(4) >= '\3' && LA(4) <= '\377'))) { match('\r'); newline(); } else { break _loop417; } } } while (true); } if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } public final void mCOMMENT(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = COMMENT; int _saveIndex; match("<!--"); mCOMMENT_DATA(false); match("-->"); _ttype = Token.SKIP; if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } protected final void mWORD(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = WORD; int _saveIndex; { switch ( LA(1)) { case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': { mLCLETTER(false); break; } case '.': { match('.'); break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } } { int _cnt438=0; _loop438: do { if (((LA(1) >= 'a' && LA(1) <= 'z')) && (_tokenSet_9.member(LA(2)))) { mLCLETTER(false); } else if ((LA(1)=='.') && (_tokenSet_9.member(LA(2)))) { match('.'); } else if (((LA(1) >= '0' && LA(1) <= '9'))) { mDIGIT(false); } else { if ( _cnt438>=1 ) { break _loop438; } else {throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine());} } _cnt438++; } while (true); } if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } protected final void mINT(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = INT; int _saveIndex; { int _cnt449=0; _loop449: do { if (((LA(1) >= '0' && LA(1) <= '9'))) { mDIGIT(false); } else { if ( _cnt449>=1 ) { break _loop449; } else {throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine());} } _cnt449++; } while (true); } if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } protected final void mHEXNUM(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = HEXNUM; int _saveIndex; match('#'); mHEXINT(false); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } protected final void mLCLETTER(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = LCLETTER; int _saveIndex; matchRange('a','z'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } protected final void mDIGIT(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = DIGIT; int _saveIndex; matchRange('0','9'); if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } protected final void mWSCHARS(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = WSCHARS; int _saveIndex; switch ( LA(1)) { case ' ': { match(' '); break; } case '\t': { match('\t'); break; } case '\n': { match('\n'); break; } case '\r': { match('\r'); break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } protected final void mSPECIAL(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = SPECIAL; int _saveIndex; switch ( LA(1)) { case '<': { match('<'); break; } case '~': { match('~'); break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } protected final void mHEXINT(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = HEXINT; int _saveIndex; { int _cnt452=0; _loop452: do { if ((_tokenSet_10.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_11.member(LA(2)))) { mHEXDIGIT(false); } else { if ( _cnt452>=1 ) { break _loop452; } else {throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine());} } _cnt452++; } while (true); } if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } protected final void mHEXDIGIT(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = HEXDIGIT; int _saveIndex; switch ( LA(1)) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': { matchRange('0','9'); break; } case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': { matchRange('a','f'); break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } protected final void mUNDEFINED_TOKEN(boolean _createToken) throws ScannerException, IOException { int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length(); _ttype = UNDEFINED_TOKEN; int _saveIndex; switch ( LA(1)) { case '<': { match('<'); { _loop458: do { if ((_tokenSet_12.member(LA(1)))) { matchNot('>'); } else { break _loop458; } } while (true); } match('>'); { _loop461: do { if ((LA(1)=='\n'||LA(1)=='\r')) { { if ((LA(1)=='\r') && (LA(2)=='\n')) { match("\r\n"); } else if ((LA(1)=='\r')) { match('\r'); } else if ((LA(1)=='\n')) { match('\n'); } else { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } newline(); } else { break _loop461; } } while (true); } System.err.println("invalid tag: "+new String(text.getBuffer(),_begin,text.length()-_begin)); break; } case '\n': case '\r': { { if ((LA(1)=='\r') && (LA(2)=='\n')) { match("\r\n"); } else if ((LA(1)=='\r')) { match('\r'); } else if ((LA(1)=='\n')) { match('\n'); } else { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } newline(); break; } case '\3': case '\4': case '\5': case '\6': case '\7': case '\10': case '\t': case '\13': case '\14': case '\16': case '\17': case '\20': case '\21': case '\22': case '\23': case '\24': case '\25': case '\26': case '\27': case '\30': case '\31': case '\32': case '\33': case '\34': case '\35': case '\36': case '\37': case ' ': case '!': case '"': case '#': case '$': case '%': case '&': case '\'': case '(': case ')': case '*': case '+': case ',': case '-': case '.': case '/': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case ':': case ';': case '=': case '>': case '?': case '@': case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T': case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z': case '[': case '\\': case ']': case '^': case '_': case '`': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': case '{': case '|': case '}': case '~': case '\177': case '\200': case '\201': case '\202': case '\203': case '\204': case '\205': case '\206': case '\207': case '\210': case '\211': case '\212': case '\213': case '\214': case '\215': case '\216': case '\217': case '\220': case '\221': case '\222': case '\223': case '\224': case '\225': case '\226': case '\227': case '\230': case '\231': case '\232': case '\233': case '\234': case '\235': case '\236': case '\237': case '\240': case '\241': case '\242': case '\243': case '\244': case '\245': case '\246': case '\247': case '\250': case '\251': case '\252': case '\253': case '\254': case '\255': case '\256': case '\257': case '\260': case '\261': case '\262': case '\263': case '\264': case '\265': case '\266': case '\267': case '\270': case '\271': case '\272': case '\273': case '\274': case '\275': case '\276': case '\277': case '\300': case '\301': case '\302': case '\303': case '\304': case '\305': case '\306': case '\307': case '\310': case '\311': case '\312': case '\313': case '\314': case '\315': case '\316': case '\317': case '\320': case '\321': case '\322': case '\323': case '\324': case '\325': case '\326': case '\327': case '\330': case '\331': case '\332': case '\333': case '\334': case '\335': case '\336': case '\337': case '\340': case '\341': case '\342': case '\343': case '\344': case '\345': case '\346': case '\347': case '\350': case '\351': case '\352': case '\353': case '\354': case '\355': case '\356': case '\357': case '\360': case '\361': case '\362': case '\363': case '\364': case '\365': case '\366': case '\367': case '\370': case '\371': case '\372': case '\373': case '\374': case '\375': case '\376': case '\377': { matchNot(EOF_CHAR); break; } default: { throw new ScannerException("no viable alt for char: "+(char)LA(1),getLine()); } } if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) { _token = makeToken(_ttype); _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin)); } _returnToken = _token; } private static final long _tokenSet_0_data_[] = { 4611686022722364928L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L }; public static final BitSet _tokenSet_0 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_0_data_); private static final long _tokenSet_1_data_[] = { 4294977024L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L }; public static final BitSet _tokenSet_1 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_1_data_); private static final long _tokenSet_2_data_[] = { -5764607540214104072L, -1L, -1L, -1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L }; public static final BitSet _tokenSet_2 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_2_data_); private static final long _tokenSet_3_data_[] = { 4611756391466542592L, 576460743713488896L, 0L, 0L, 0L }; public static final BitSet _tokenSet_3 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_3_data_); private static final long _tokenSet_4_data_[] = { -17179869192L, -1L, -1L, -1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L }; public static final BitSet _tokenSet_4 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_4_data_); private static final long _tokenSet_5_data_[] = { -549755813896L, -1L, -1L, -1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L }; public static final BitSet _tokenSet_5 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_5_data_); private static final long _tokenSet_6_data_[] = { 70368744177664L, 576460743713488896L, 0L, 0L, 0L }; public static final BitSet _tokenSet_6 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_6_data_); private static final long _tokenSet_7_data_[] = { -5764607540214113288L, -1L, -1L, -1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L }; public static final BitSet _tokenSet_7 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_7_data_); private static final long _tokenSet_8_data_[] = { -35184372098056L, -1L, -1L, -1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L }; public static final BitSet _tokenSet_8 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_8_data_); private static final long _tokenSet_9_data_[] = { 7205548439294191104L, 576460743713488896L, 0L, 0L, 0L }; public static final BitSet _tokenSet_9 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_9_data_); private static final long _tokenSet_10_data_[] = { 287948901175001088L, 541165879296L, 0L, 0L, 0L }; public static final BitSet _tokenSet_10 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_10_data_); private static final long _tokenSet_11_data_[] = { 4899705292641543680L, 576460743713488896L, 0L, 0L, 0L }; public static final BitSet _tokenSet_11 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_11_data_); private static final long _tokenSet_12_data_[] = { -4611686018427387912L, -1L, -1L, -1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L }; public static final BitSet _tokenSet_12 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_12_data_); }